Friday, July 23, 2010

Lattice Daybed Part 1: Planning

Pregnancy is an odd combination of being too exhausted to do all the things you're supposed to do and boundless energy for things you have no business doing. For a few weeks now, I've been obsessed with the thought of building my own version of this daybed. Being a math-loving nerd, I was content for two whole weeks to make sketches and calculations on my note pad and contemplate whether I was certifiably insane for wanting to take this on as my first woodworking project.

The bed is from the 2x2 collection at West Elm. These pieces are built with 2"x2" pieces of wood. I made a quick trip to the store, ruler in hand, to confirm that the lattice work on the sides is made with 1" pieces of wood. West Elm also lists the overall dimensions: 78" long, 41.5" deep, 30" high. With this knowledge and some basic algebra, I was able to figure out the lengths of all the lattice work.

Unfortunately, I soon discovered that it's difficult to acquire wood that's exactly 2" by 2". Or 1" by 1". I began with a trip to Home Depot. (The first of many for this project.) I knew wood measurements wouldn't be exact, but I didn't know off they'd be.

Lesson #1: Wood is labeled according to its rough size (its width before cutting). After the wood is cut on all sides, 1/4 - 1/2 " is lost.

Here are some of the measurements to illustrate:

This is a 2x3 piece of lumber. Notice how it measures about 2.5" (above) by 1.5" (below).

And here is a handy online chart with rough vs. actual lumber sizes.

Now, I had seen an easy enough tutorial on making the 2x2 daybed from The Design Confidential. But, being a bit of a perfectionist, I wasn't willing to substitute the perfectly square 2x2 boards that West Elm uses for 2x3 studs. So I consulted the only woodworker I know, my Uncle David. He suggested right off the bat that I not use building lumber for my project. Apparently, most of the wood at building stores is for construction, not furniture building. These soft woods, like pine, tend to be knotty, uneven, and may warp over time.

He suggested I purchase 1x4 poplar boards (actual measurement of .75 x 3.5"), rip them in half, and glue the pieces together. This would give me boards with actual measurements of 1.5 x 1.75. He also offered that a wood supplier in my area would likely be able to cut boards to size for me. In my search for perfection, I settled on the latter option.

Lesson #2: "Rip" in woodworking speak means to cut a board length-wise. When you cut a board across the width, it's called a "cross cut."

Image courtesy of

Next: Visiting a Real Wood Shop